Tuesday, September 21, 2004

weekend warrior..

so weekend lepas...aku pegi tgk bola..
compeni aku main ada game ngan vendor2 telekom..(sscm yg organise..)
pergi je..tgk..perghh main ok gak..dua game dlm grup...tapi seri je
bangang nyer budak2 ni...main tak berapa bagus....ingat buleh menang grup tu..tapi tak jugak..seri je
ngan sscm pun leh seri....ish...

ari ni leceh..sbb aku dapat berita yg tak best...so...just act normal..walaupun aku tak suka...
dan jugak...keter aku overheat...bodoh nyer owner...(aku le tu..) air kering....terpaksa berenti then call pomen lak tu...(tanya je..) pastu dia kata letak air then jalan..klu ok..ok lah...klu tak...pegi repair...tapi lepas aku isi air..ok je... cian org tu....

pas game pegi rumah mail...rumah kawan aku kat puchung....sajer jenjalan...
lama tak tgk anak2 dia.. (dapat gak duit 500..buat hahahahah mekasih mail...) leh buat reapir keter....or beli kasut...
mesra lak tu ngan aku...hahahahahah anak mail dua org..pompuan..comel2 (pastu mesra lak tu ngan comel....mentang2 la comel gak kan.... )
and rumah dia ok jugak..besar....best nyer...
rumah aku tak buat aper lagi... tapi my x akan duduk situ..end of this month...ok la..kira aku jual kat dia ler...
so petang balik ingat nak antar org balik..and go pikup sum1..but..dia lambat and me angin..so tak jadi antar balik...kluar lagi..
balik rumah aku...(cause aku just dress in pakaian sukan...)...tak comel...balik ler..tukar baju n sluar...then kluar ke sunway...jenjalan memalam...

hmmmm so apalagi aku buat weken lepas...
aku tau sumthing yg kira cam aku sedih gak lak..tapi tu dai buat keja..takper..
and tak kisah lah....it is not my consent kot...

so hari ahad pegi maner lak aku...hmmm
pagi...bangun tido...
kul 11...hahahahaha subuh ntah kemana...(apa nak jadi ntah...kena ubah nie...)
then tgk tv....pastu teragak nak jenjalan..ajak lerr manja aka aning jenjalan ke pertama and cambell..tgk2 kasut...tapi tak de lak yg aku nak..ada pun tak de discount...so baik aku beli sumwhere else yg ada discount....so tak le beli situ..
aku beli tshirt..kaler merah..(hahahahah fav color sum1) dan tshirt for faiz n sofea...
sluar dorang je aku tak reti beli....nanti lah...

so pas tu pegi maiden..beli my deodorant...and sumother thing...
then balik rumah...
kluar lagi..pastu..pegi jenjalan lagi..with comel...beli kasut kat sana..dapat discount..dapat tshirt selai....hmmm thne dapat buah anggur n shaver ..mekasih comel...
then balik..magrib kat rumah....pastu pegi jenjalan kat konvo...tka best sgt lah sbb ujan...tapi sronok sbb i made sum1 happy....
then balik....pegi makan..tgk smallville (fav tv series sum1) kat kedai...then
me balik rumah....

Weekend Warrior(Harris/Gers) 5:39
(iron maiden/fear of the dark-1992)
The rebel of yesterday, tomorrow's fool
Who are you kidding being that cool?
Trying to break away from running
with the pack
But they ain't listening so you've
gotta go back
You're a weekend warrior when
you're one of the crowd
But it's over, just look at you now...
You're not so brave the way you behave
It makes you sick, gotta get out quick
It's all bravado when you're out
with your mates
It's like a different person goes through
those gates
And the game begins
the adrenalin's high
Feel the tension maybe someone
will die...
A weekend warrior lately
A weekend warrior sometimes
A weekend warrior maybe you ain't
that way anymore
You've gotta get out gotta get away
But you're in with a clique it's not
easy to stray
You've gotta admit you're just
living a lie
It didn't take long to work out why
It's hard to say why you got involved
Just wanting to be part
just wanting to belong...
A weekend warrior lately
A weekend warrior sometimes
A weekend warrior maybe you ain't
that way anymore
Some of the things that you've done
you feel so ashamed
After all it's only a game... isn't it?
And after all the adrenalin's gone
What you gonna do on Monday?
A weekend warrior lately
A weekend warrior sometimes
A weekend warrior maybe you were
never like that at all



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