tAk seMesti bEsi Itu kerAs

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

kena lagi...

up date lagi ali kedua ari nie..
ceritanyer ialah mengenai...kenalan..kawan...dan mungkin bakal....
terlalu sedih kerana dia rindukan abg dia..
maybe...klu aku ni lah yg jadi abg dia..kan best....
hahaha tapi aku ada adik aku sendiri....
yg ntah la....rindukan aku ke idak tak tau..
tapi dulu penah ler.... skrg tak tau..
org keras ati... cakap pun tak guna..
so biarlah... aku jadi aku...
salah skit aku kena..
betul pun aku kena...
tak kisah lah....

so..berbalik pada kawan/bakal aku ni...
hmmmmm..nak ngorat pun payah ler kot...rasanya..
sbb cannot open her...
the mind is shut by him....(abg dia ler..)
walau pun dia tu just abg angkat je...
rindu/sayang minat comot ni...hmmm
lebih aa kot..
ntah la..ni my pemerhatian je..
tapi thanks to her... dia leh ajdi kawan yg baik to everyone...
sopan snatun je orgnyer....
klu dapat jadi kekasih kan best...
(tapi....klu nak jadi kekasih besi...kena tunggu aa tahun depan...)
sampai my word for sumone tu settle...
sbb janji2 manis besi yg lain telah tekorban...hahahahahah
(i got only myslef to blame....ok..)
tak per..pelan2 bak kata my mentor....hahahahahaha
pelan pelan.....
so...."kawan comot" or should i say..my bakal kekasih jugak
...ingat ek...everywhere,
there is sumone or everyone is taking care of themself..
but..who know...he/she taking care of him/herself...
because he/she want to take care of sum one else...
so..no matter wut u do..or go..or wut eva...
there'll be sumone who love u more than u luv urself...

so...do love urself more than u love others....

peace in mind....!!!!
up the ironssss!!!!
RAISE THE inFinitY..!!!!!


please do sumone tell me wut to do...
wut happen to me..i dun no...
everything i do..is not right..
even if it is right... it will be wrong...
but it another beautiful forth day
after the brith of me...so thirty years plus two........
so..thanks for those for say happy gud day to me..
and thanks to my sis...
which i'll always cherish her no matter wut..
well i got the 1st wish from her....
eventhough my batt is out..
thanks.....love u....

so...now i'm blur...
with all of you...
but not her...

got to seek peace...
everyone i know seem to have
the problem of their own..
which i could solve....and resovle...
but..hey...problem arise...
and so everymatter of life...

lastly...for those who need me...
i'm will be always there or here or anywhere...
fo all of u...
even if i can't help you with all of the matter..
atleast i could make u smile...just for a while...

be goo to my self...
up the irons!!!!
raise the infinity....!!!!!!!


Tuesday, August 17, 2004

salam bulan lapan

hmmm ari tu aku kata nak sebulan sekali..
tapi ni dah masuk dua bulan..aku tak update..
update pun bukanyer ada org nak masuk tgk..
tapi...ta kisahlah..
ada org ke ta de org...
so..sebulan lepas mmg cam tak best je..
tu yg aku tak update tu..
sbb mendung jee pikiran dan otak aku..
byk benda yg tak betul dalam hidup aku nie..

ntah pasal aper tak pasti
aku yg silap kot
silap dalam menjalani hidup aku nie..

so tak per aa tu aku sendiri...esok plak aa aku tulis...
kang klu aku menaipkan..panjang lak..
tak de org baca gak...
tak guna...
aku sendiri yg baca,,,,...

*perut kalu ko baca...
nanti aku nak letak gambar aku ambik kat sini...
camner nak buat nanti ko citer...
tp gambar tak dload lagi aa dari cam.